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79% of event attendees first researched your event on their phones - and other statistics you need to know

You may have heard of the saying, “numbers don’t lie”.  It’s true, and that’s why statistics (and their implications) need to be taken very seriously – especially these ones:

1. 79% of event attendees first researched your event on the phones

Do you have an attractive event website that’s packed with all the information prospective attendees want to know?  It’s essential that they get the answers they’re looking for here – because without enough useful information to get them “hooked”, these prospective customers would wander off your website, and away from your event – before you ever get a chance to speak with them.

Note: Also, make it easy for them to register for your event online – or at least, leave their contact details so you can follow up via a phone call, or a series of emails.

2. Audiences begin losing interest in most speaker after 20 minutes

Studies have shown that most speakers have about 20 minutes to get their message across, then get off stage – before audiences start getting bored or fidgety.

While truly exceptional public speakers can captivate audiences for hours (or even days), most speakers simply can’t. So take this into consideration when planning the agenda for your next conference.

3. 54% of attendees download an event app when it’s available (but you can greatly increase this number!)

In general, just over half of an event’s participants will download the event’s accompanying event app. If you ask us, that’s a really low number.

From experience, our clients can improve this percentage to close to 100%, with a few simple tweaks – such as gamifying their event, and including incredibly useful features with the app, like the ability to communicate with speakers, network, download presentations and video, provide feedback, and much more.

If you would like advice on successfully integrating an event app into your event (and making sure audiences use it, and gain value from it), simply drop us a note.

4. 83% of marketing professionals say improving sales is their top goal at events

While increasing brand awareness, building positive brand associations and improving PR coverage are secondary goals, it’s important to know what marketers truly value from their events – sales.  When organising an event for these clients, be sure to include ample opportunities for salespeople to sell, and for prospective customers to see, feel, and touch (or experience) the products and services on offer.

Note: Do not simply assume that building brand awareness today, will lead to more sales in future – even if this is true, marketers are basing their event ROI on sales closed at the event, not after.

5. 71% of registrations and ticket purchases happen online

Your event website needs to allow ticket purchases and registrations to take place online, preferably at your website. Be sure your website has an SSL certificate (i.e. your website’s URL should start with “https”, not “http”) and is secure.

You need to provide your prospective participants with a way to purchase event tickets from you, while giving them the confidence to do so via your website.

If this is too much of an investment for your event, you can work with a trusted, online ticketing merchant/portal, and have them handle payment and registrations for you.


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