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The Workforce is Transforming, Do You Have the Tools to Maximise Their Productivity?

Over the past few months, the buzz in business news has been all about “workforce transformation”. But what does it mean, and why should you take note?  Because if your job is organising professional events and meetings, you’ll need to know how to maximise productivity in today’s modern, transformed workplace.


What is workforce transformation? 

As wireless connectivity has improved, laptops have become more powerful, and tablets are more versatile, organisations around the globe are realising that office cubicles are no longer the only places where good work can take place. Today, outstanding work can be done on the move, at clients’ offices, at worksites, or even at home. After all, employees have the physical devices and the wireless networks to work remotely.  The only piece of the puzzle that’s missing for many organisations (and what’s holding them back from fully embracing this new style of working), is a perceived lack of collaboration. When your team is sitting next to each other in an office, it’s easy to chat – but what happens when a few members are located at home, another location, perhaps even another country?  That’s what collaboration tools are for.


Collaboration tools eliminate the distance between team members

With a smartphone, tablet, or laptop that’s connected to a network, your team members can communicate with each other flawlessly – no matter where they are in the world.  And there’s no shortage of solutions to connect people for work and projects either. Some collaborative tools and systems that are available for colleagues, clients, and vendors to have conversations with each other, exchange ideas, and support one another, include:

  • Conference calls

  • Web meetings

  • Videoconferences

  • Apps for communicating and voting

As a meeting organiser, the modern workplace presents an exciting opportunity for you to utilise popular meeting solutions for more than meetings – you can help to connect colleagues and project members, and expand the possibilities of what it means for today’s workers to collaborate at any time, from any place.


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